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Where everyone is 

somebody and Christ is the Center of Attraction

Our Pastor

Demetrius T. Griffin

Faith in God, inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Unity, Mission and Honor. These are the spiritual seeds my Greater New Morning Star Baptist Church family has planted in me from my youth. They began as I first accepted the Lord Jesus into my heart at the age of 7. I even remember the date I was baptized, Sunday April 2, 1972. Those seeds continued to grow as I sang in the youth choir (the old school one, on 108th and Spring), served on the youth usher board, with the junior deacons, then as an ordained deacon, Sunday School teacher, VBS instructor, and ordained associate minister. 


By God's grace, I have earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from California State Polytechnic University of Pomona, CA and have worked in aerospace for many years. By God's hand I hold a Masters of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary; I rest not in degrees bestowed by professors of academia, but by the solid promise of God, His Son Jesus, and His powerful Holy Spirit; that He will never leave us nor forsake us.


Greater New Morning Star,

Let us continue to thrive in the things of God,

walk in the will of God,

and shine with the light of God.

Let us journey on, together, in Jesus' name.



  - Rev. Demetrius T. Griffin, Pastor




8:00am Early Morning Service
9:30am Sunday School & New Member's Class
11:00am Morning Worship Service 

Children's Church (Only ages 4-13 Only)


6:00pm Trustee Meeting

(1st Tuesdays)

6:30pm Mission Meeting

7:30pm Mission Chorus Rehearsal (TBA)


6:30pm Teacher's Meeting

7:30pm Bible Study & Prayer Meeting


7:00pm General Choir Rehearsal

7:00pm Mass Choir Rehearsal

7:00pm Male Chorus Rehearsal

7:30pm Mission Chorus Rehearsal (TBA)


6:00pm T.U.L.I.P.S - on the first Friday of each month


10:00am Women Ministry Meeting (3rd


10:00am Usher Board Meeting (TBA)

11:00am VOW Choir Rehearsal (TBA)

12:30pm Children's Choir Rehearsal (TBA)

5:00pm Minister's Meeting

(Before 1st Sunday)

6:00pm Deacon's Meeting

(Before 1st Sunday)



The Vision


Where there is no vision the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18) At Greater New Morning Star, it is our desire that you catch the vision God has given us, that you begin to visualize the invisible. We want you to capture the concept of our vision so that it will capture you and provide a foundation for your personal ministry with us at Greater New Morning Star.



The Vision Statement


The dream for Greater New Morning Star is to be a haven where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated, and the confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance and encouragement; of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with our growing community; of developing people to spiritual maturity through Bible studies, small groups, seminars and retreats; of equipping every believer for a significant ministry by helping them discover the gifts and talents God gave them. We are committed to dynamic worship. Our worship services reflect this by promoting creative, inspiring, and authentic worship which demonstrates that God is alive and active. Our vision includes the intentional pursuit of reaching those who have stopped attending, or have never attended a church - - those who have not experienced God’s transforming grace.


It is our desire that the Greater New Morning Star vision becomes your vision; something that you “own” and take great pride in seeing fulfilled.




The children's ministry of Greater New Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church serves youths, ages 4 to 13 and provides an environment of love and praise which lays the Biblical foundation necessary for children to choose Jesus as their Savior and Lord. The curriculum is designed to help children learn about their relationship with God, Jesus, the church, their families and God's world.




Care Center









For any inquiries, questions or comments, please call:

Denise Hill, Church Secretary at 323-753-3196 and 323-753-3978 or complete the following form.

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Church Office

210 W Florence Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90003

Tel: (310) 753-3978 

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